What to do with children?

A boat trip from Saint-Malo : http://www.compagniecorsaire.com/

The “Train Marin” : http://decouvrirlabaie.com/petit-train-marin-mont-st-michel-saint-malo-cancale-avranche
Good and easy trip with little kids !

Brocéliande’s gardens, Trecesson, the Giant’s tomb, Vivien’s house, the tomb of Merlin, the fountain of Barenton and the many woodland paths… 

Combourg and his castle : Combourg remains closely linked to François René de Châteaubriand, the most famous of all French Romantic authors, who found his inspiration here, at the end of the 18th century, in this historic,…

And also : depends on the age and wishes… 

A treetop adventure in the forest of Bazouges-La Pérouse : Parc des Grands chênes Récrénature ,  

The Reptilarium Alligator Bay in Beauvoir : discover the biggest group of alligators in Europe. Imagine you are an explorer in the forests of Louisiana and the jungles of Africa. Searching for caimans, crocodiles and white alligators in the tropical house. Discover one of the most enchanting collections of lizards and snakes in the dragon’s maze and enjoy a leisurely walk in the tortoise farm where you will discover a large variety of tortoises, from 500 grams to over 200 kilos!..

L’Aquarium de Saint-Malo


Go and see menhirs : the Menhir du Champ-Dolent between Dol de Bretagne and Combourg

Try to learn things about the cathedral builders : the Cathedraloscope de Dol de Bretagne : The family visit can take the form of games for children. Two games are available free on request at reception and help provide afun and interactive dimension to the scenic route while exploring the main theme of the cathedral. The puzzle game for the biggest and the The game Tro Breizh for younger 

Zoos and parcs : Max Aventure, la Bourbansais, Champrepus, Cobac Parc, Enigma Parc, Woupi, l’Ange Michel, le Labyrinthe de Miscanthus  à Saint Loup,…

Meals : Moidrey, le Mont Dol…

Workshop : copper, glass-blower…

Or you can find something just to finish the afternoon : 

karting, cinéma, bowling, horse riding, indoor swimming-pool DOLIBULLE… 

Did you think about a Bus Tour ? 

Discover Saint-Malo during a guided tour with studio comments aboard an open top panoramic minibus ! There is a specific commentaries for children !

No problem for weather ! Your children are not too tired and you will enjoy the beach after ! 

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